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Your next level needs YOU. And this is why you are here reading this. You have reached a pivotal moment in your life that feels very much like 'THERE HAS TO BE MORE IN ME AND MORE FOR ME." You are right. And it's beyond time for you to be unlocked. You have overstayed your welcome in your comfort zone, and you are now ready to take the leap. It's time to defy self-doubt, take action, connect your identity to your increase, and elevate every part of your life. Whether you’re at the beginning of your personal development journey and want to shift the trajectory of your life — or you’ve been evolving for some time now. But you are ready to elevate and excel to your next level. 


You’re in the right place!


I know this is not easy to believe that one woman can be so valuable and powerful. But It's true; you have wealth and power inside you waiting to be unlocked. You have a destiny and a purpose waiting to be fulfilled. Your primary source - GOD gave you the power to BECOME! And I am ready to partner with you on this incredible journey to your most authentic and elevated self. You have given so much and now IT IS YOUR TURN to invest in your greatest resource - YOU!

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with D' WILFORD 

Founder of  ELEVATEDU


ELEVATEDU mentorship offers a faith-based approach to your personal (identity/self) and spiritual development. Most of us seek to improve ourselves in various ways daily; a conscientious Personal Development plan is the key to accelerating that growth. EU is a treasure chest of resources to help you lead and live a continuously empowered life aligned with GOD and your best self. Personal development increases your self-awareness and self-esteem, gives you a sense of direction, improves focus and effectiveness, enhances character and integrity, positions you for fulfilling relationships, prepares you for great opportunities and responsibility, and  also connects you with your creator. Personal development bridges the gap between where you are and your destiny. It is the vehicle that leads you to fulfilling your personal goals and calling forth/embracing your truest identity.


When you commit to personal development, you enter a unique journey of self-discovery and high-impact realizations about yourself, life, purpose, faith, call, relationships, and identity that will ultimately propel you into the life many dreams of but one that will be YOURS. Personal development is not a course, book, or event. It's a lifestyle of self-improvement and growth. This is the secret sauce of the 2% out of 98%. WE DO WHAT MANY WON'T.  We are the difference, we make a difference, to impact the world.



About EU
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Therese | Elevated Woman

Being a wife and mother of 5, I have never been one to fully invest in myself just as a woman. I have found authentic sisterhood and friendship, And I found my teacher. My Mentor, D’ Wilford, has led me into an evolution that is beyond what I knew I was capable of. I’ll be a part of this community forever. This place gives me life!


Jamie | Elevated Woman

 I have learned that I am so much more than what I can do. I now give myself the same grace that I give to those I love. I am unstoppable. I am incredibly grateful for this community and mentorship I truly believe that it literally has been a lifesaver!


Talana | Elevated Woman

I remember the moment I said never again to mentorship from any perspective other than business. I also remember the moment I said sign me up for mentorship with D’ Wilford Lol. She's taught me accountability, helped me gain the courage to leave my comfort zone, and be authentically ME. I can say I was blind before, but now I truly see. 


Nocolia | Elevated Woman

To say that D’ Wilford changed the trajectory of my life would be an understatement. She entered my life at the CROSSROADS of my evolution as a woman. I have gained confidence being guided by a woman who speaks with the force of authority AND experience. She nurtures community in a way that supports growth, journey & your ultimate becoming by connecting you to other women on the same path of development & maturity.


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Think of your identity as the like a thermostat. Your internal thermostat sets the conditions of your life. Now, imagine what happens when your internal thermostat is no longer controlled by external conditions or what happened to you but aligned with your highest potential and God's design for you. This is where your pain, past, and present become the pathway to purpose. The pathway to YOU! This is where you realize that what happened to you also happened FOR YOU! Healing and intentional self cultivation calls your identity forth. Embracing who you are, investing in self-improvement and recovery elevates your identity. 

Why is identity so important? I know it's spoken about so casually nowadays. However, your identity is YOU. It's the powerful force and influential driver that governs outcomes and regulates results in all 7 areas of your personhood and life, Starting with your Soul "Mind, Will, Emotions," Spirit, Career, Finances, Family, Social connections, and Physical body. Flourishing requires you to fundamentally understand who you are so that you can BE who you are without apology and have a vision and strategy to become your best self. Consistency in the right direction improves your life and character, elevates your identity, and Increases your capacity for more. 


When you allow yourself to be unlocked by God, you give yourself the gift of liberation by evolving from the inside out instead of being governed by external forces and conditions that have undermined your existence, purpose, and power since you were born. I want to partner with you as you decode the woman you see in the mirror every day, yet you underestimate her power.

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I have helped hundreds of women like you create a vision and plan for their lives. Find their identity, embrace authenticity, gain clarity, connect the dots to their destiny,  formulate strategy,  become the solution they've longed for AND ELEVATE every area of their person and purpose. Womanhood is my lane. I am a identity development coach, christ-centered spiritual advisor, and womanhood mentor. I do mentorship through partnership and community and am a product of what I teach.  I do life with women destined for greatness and elevation. 

AND NOW I AM HERE TO PARTNER WITH YOU! I know you've been able to hide and downplay yourself. But not here. I SEE YOU!

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Level 2  |  HIGH IMPACT

Level 3  |  EU  VIP  ONLY

Free Guie
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The war between who you are and who you think you should be, is the real pressure many of us deal with. What if I told you that you can be GREAT TODAY BEING FULLY YOU without the pressure to perform?





It's true — and I will show you how to transform pressure into personal POWER in my guide  STOP THE PRESS:  I am going to give you  3 key strategies to begin living a pressure-free life and tools to center yourself when you start feeling the pressure of "being behind."


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